Eco global survival game update
Eco global survival game update

We've been stating that forever and doing so is fair - as people then know what they buy. And i'm only being honest with you when telling you that our focus is a multiplayer game that can be played singleplayer and is highly configurable, but not specific singleplayer modes or features. Hence it's simply a multiplayer server on your local PC. Singleplayer was added very late in development before Steam release and only due to people asking us for it, it wasn't a planned feature. No, i'm not questioning why you bought the game, i'm stating that Eco has been developed with multiplayer in mind from the very beginning and that Eco at its base uses features that only make sense in Multiplayer. Thank you for your response, it lets me know how you feel about your player base, and I will make sure that all my friends that also love to play as I do steer very clear of it. I guess I will just go back to minecraft, or ARK or some other largely multiplayer game where my style of play is not only appreciated, but has an entire community of largely solo players that is loved by the devs. I am not a programmer, or a developer, so I can not create such a beautiful and functional world on my own. It is far too late for a refund for me but statements like that make me never want to play the game again.

eco global survival game update eco global survival game update

I feel dismayed by the developers comments that sound to me like I am not playing their open world, free roam, survival crafting game their way, so they don't really care. I played WoW for years, and Rift, Everquest, Everquest 2 etc, but that was back in my younger years when I had more time I could do that. I do not however have the time to dedicate to a group of people to accomplish what you feel are the key aspects of the game. I play multiplayer games that tend to have a drop in, drop out type of game play. In general I am not "anti-social", but my gaming is sporadic at best. There are so many things that this game does that are just amazing, but I do not have the time or patience to generally deal with other people while playing it. I think your narrow minded view has clouded you to what a great survival crafting game you have here. I like chasing a deer through the forest while hunting it.

eco global survival game update

I like the way trees roll down a hill when you chop them down. Your right I don't give a care about government or economy, I get enough of that in the real world.

eco global survival game update

I mean really? What kind of question is that? I like building, I like crafting, I like survival and progression. I am not good at quoting in posts, but the dev questioned basically why did I buy the game.

Eco global survival game update